If you're wondering if you should submit to
nonfiction competition, you should. Not only is it a good opportunity to
learn about the submission and competition processes, there's also a
nice cash prize to make the entry fee worthwhile.
The judge is Leslie Leyland Fields, a
perennial guest of Festival of Faith and Writing.
Some further encouragement: Alissa Goudswaard came in last year in
the top 8. No reason why a
Calvin student can't do even better this year. (Alissa's almost-winning
essay has now been published, as noted
in a recent blog post.)
Below is the information and details:
be so grateful if you could share this call for entries for Ruminate's
upcoming nonfiction contest--perhaps posting it in your department
newsletter and/or sharing it with students and colleagues.
you for any time or attention you can give to this.
Ruminate Staff
Call for Entries: Ruminate
Magazine's 2012 VanderMey Nonfiction Prize
Ruminate Magazine is pleased to
announce our 2nd annual creative nonfiction contest--the 2012 VanderMey
Nonfiction Prize. We are pleased to share that this year's finalist
judge is author and editor Leslie Leyland Fields. The entry fee is $15
and the winning prize is $1000 and publication in the Summer 2012 Issue.
The deadline has been extended to February 1st.
140 North Roosevelt Ave | Fort Collins, CO 80521 US |
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